Jun 2019 Product Review by SUTD Gunpla Club - SDCS Sisquiede
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Even with how cool the concept of mono-eyed Gundam is, the SD frame kinda ruins it…..I’m McMegane from SUTD Gunpla Club and today’s review will be a double review of none other than the Monoeye Gundam, Sisquiede Normal and Titan color!!
Here is what you get in the box:
There are a total of 6 runners (counting in all effect parts) and they consist of entirely new runners for this kit (runner B1 and B3 are actually duplicates) aside from the new SD frame that all the SDCS kits use and beam effect parts. In other words, all the parts on the runner are almost 100% fully utilized with a few parts extra. This applied for both versions of the Sisquiede where the only difference is the color which follows the 2 main colors of the Mk2 Gundam.
Unfortunately, the kit doesn’t include the CS frame which is better in terms of articulation so make sure you purchase the CS frame if you want to pose this thing in a dynamic pose.
Runners from Normal color Sisquiede
Runners from Titan color Sisquiede
Have you ever wonder how a combination of a Zaku head and Gundam head will look like? Well, the result is the Sisquiede!! A mobile suit that was introduced as an exclusive to the “SD Gundam G Generation” video game and “SD Gundam: G Generation: Monoeye Gundams” manga.
One of the greatest aspect of this kit is how usual it looks, it looks like a bulkier version of the Mk-2 Gundam, yet it has the Zaku’s monoeye which gives it a different kind of menacing feeling as compared to the Gundam frame. Among many incarnations of Gundam that broke through the norm, this is one of the best executed in my opinion.