Mar 2021 Product Review by SUTD Gunpla Club - Pokemon Plamo Collection: Rayquaza
Today’s review is proudly brought to you by our friends at Toymana, so many thanks to them!
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This month’s review kit is the Pokemon Plamo Collection 46 Select Series Rayquaza, from Pokemon. Rayquaza is a fan favourite Pokemon featured in Pokemon Emerald, released in 2005. This kit features Rayquaza as a awesome, good looking yet affordable plamo.
Being a fan of Pokemon Emerald and Rayquaza myself, this build was definitely a joy as it evoked nostalgia of the great game back in the day.

I can honestly say that this is a decent kit. The kit may have a simple build and design, but the finished product definitely does a good job of showcasing Rayquaza as a cool Legendary Pokemon that it’s meant to be.

Here are what you get in the box:

There are total of 3 runners in total, featuring green, red, yellow, white and pink plastic parts. It comes with a small sheet of 3 stickers. I will not be using the stickers for this review.
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